Strength for Today Hope for Tomorrow

We all encounter experiences that challenge us and we all experience storms that challenge our faith. Difficult experiences often have the ability...

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Milo Mlangeni

Milo Mlangeni was born in rural areas of Stanger which is in KZN, South Africa (SA), but currently resides in Johannesburg, SA. She is a born again Christian and is sold out to the gospel. She holds a Diploma in Theology and she has served in different capacities as an intercessor, councellor and a guest speaker in women's events. 

Milo is also a Public Health specialist, working in a Public Health institution in South Africa. She has authored and co- authored academic publications, and is currently a PhD candidate in one of SA Universities. In her spare time she loves writing non-fiction content, which is mostly inspired by the Holy Spirit and her love to see people evolving to the best versions of themselves. Her other hobbies include reading, travelling and theatre.

Milo has written 2 books, the first one titled 'Rising above limitations' , and the second offer titled 'strength for today, hope for tomorrow'. 


Strength for Today Hope for Tomorrow

Finding inspiration for life's journey from God's promises

We all encounter experiences that challenge us and we all experience storms that challenge our faith. Difficult experiences often have the ability to leave us feeling hopeless and defeated. During these times we may even feel as if God is very far from us and prayers seem to remain unanswered.


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Rising above limitations

Overcome low self-esteem and be the best you can be

Learn how to conquer limitations and begin to live your dreams. Rising above limitations will give you a step by step guide on obtaining total deliverance from insecurities, reaching on your inner strengths and preparing yourself to move towards the future God has in store for you. There is great wealth within you that is crying out to be...

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